Author Archive

The World’s Fastest Model-T
The sound of the turbo revving was irresistible and we had to follow it to the source. Upon arriving at the scene, it took a minute to soak it all in. Ultimately, we realized we were gazing at Mike Warren’s carbureted twin turbo 1926 Ford Model-T coupe. In fact, he’s working on

Time to Rumble
Although it seemed less rowdy this time around, the Redneck Rumble is an event where unorthodox creativity reigns and there were still plenty of things to catch our attention. The Volkswagen Bug had quite a big of representation this year – some tough, some shiny, and a Bug pulling a

Blast from the Past
There’s a charming town in Middle Tennessee, almost on the southern Kentucky border, called Red Boiling Springs. Known in the late 1800s as a premier health and tourist destination because of the mineral springs discovered there, different factors eventually reduced interest and it is now a small town of about

The Anthony’s ’53 Ford F100
We found Tim and Jimmy Anthony’s 1953 Ford F100 at the Antique Automobile Club’s Middle Tennessee show. The bright red truck was parked in the grass on the lawn of the Thomas House in Red Boiling Springs. Jimmy and his son Tim were kind enough to stop for a minute

Down-Home Dixie Gas
If you are into antique toys, “automobilia,” gas and oil collectibles, antique signs and other nostalgic novelties…the Dixie Gas show in Sevierville, TN is a must visit. About a thirty-minute drive from the strip in Pigeon Forge, you’ll find it located on grassy acres dotted with faded wood structures. There’s

World’s Largest Motorized Radio Flyer Wagon
We caught up with Ted Mangum at Mel’s Diner during Shades of the Past in Pigeon Forge. It wasn’t hard to find him – he’s got the unofficial record for the world’s largest motorized Radio Flyer wagon. The retired technical vocation teacher from Ellisville, MS has a wide and friendly

An Afternoon With The Masons
A little while ago, we told you about Earl & Carol’s annual car show. They were kind enough to invite me over to their home and share their story with me. It was on a sunny, summer afternoon in Tennessee that this story was told – sitting on the porch swing

What is Old is New Again
Every so often a memorable thing will happen in the midst of everyday activities. Such was the case with the man who was removing plaster to renovate a building in downtown Cookeville, TN when he stumbled across the ghost of an old Coca Cola advertisement on the wall. Mayor Ricky Shelton was called