The Anthony’s ’53 Ford F100

We found Tim and Jimmy Anthony’s 1953 Ford F100 at the Antique Automobile Club’s Middle Tennessee show. The bright red truck was parked in the grass on the lawn of the Thomas House in Red Boiling Springs. Jimmy and his son Tim were kind enough to stop for a minute and tell us more about their vehicle.
Tim originally saw an ad for the F100 in Wheels and Deals when he was fourteen. He went to Nashville to purchase it and trailered it home after he paid $2800 for it. He had big plans to modify it, while Jimmy wanted to keep it original.
Tim didn’t end up driving it, but tore the entire thing completely down and sandblasted all of it; it was black at the time. They’ve worked on it intermittently for the past twenty-seven years and Jimmy completed it and made the finishing touches about four months ago.
Almost everything on the F100 is original. The motor was replaced with a rebuilt Jasper engine that was the same size as the original – a 239 ci flathead; it was then rebuilt by Tim during the restoration process about ten years ago. It’s a standard 3-speed transmission, with stock intake and exhaust. Here’s a closer look at this beautiful truck:
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